
Nutritious, well balanced meals are an important part of care at Blackmud Creek.  We ensure the proper servings of all four food groups are incorporated using a variety of children’s favorites for lunches. We follow the Canada food guide in our meal planning and a full-time cook prepares all meals on-site.

Sample daily menus:

Morning Snack: Bagel/cream cheese, peaches, milk/water
Lunch: Perogies, ham, green beans, milk/water
Afternoon Snack: Animal crackers, apple, milk/water

Morning Snack: Waffles, strawberries, milk/water
Lunch: Chili/bun, corn, milk/water
Afternoon Snack: Yogurt, grapes, milk/water

Morning Snack: Life cereal, fruit cocktail, milk/water
Lunch: Scrambled eggs/pita, tomatoes, milk/water
Afternoon Snack: Bran muffin, banana, milk/water

Meal plans are rotated every five weeks to allow for variety.

Food Allergies/Alternatives

Parents must inform staff of their children’s allergies, which are then posted for all staff. Food alternatives are made for those instances.

Some children may not be allowed certain foods for religious or health reasons, we will offer alternate food choices for them. We do provide some vegetarian meals however if your child requires a different kind of milk or if your child is a vegetarian/vegan, you must provide their  milk/lunch.

Parents must provide this information upon registration at the Centre.